1. 安然渡过(危险或难关)
To come through a dangerous or difficult situation means to survive it and recover from it.
e.g. The city had faced racial crisis and come through it...
e.g. He's too old to come through a fall like that.
2. 显现;显露
If a feeling or message comes through, it is clearly shown in what is said or done.
e.g. I hope my love for the material came through, because it is a great script...
e.g. Their talk is often hard to fathom but their exuberance still comes through.
3. (尤指在履行完某些程序后)到来
If something comes through, it arrives, especially after some procedure has been carried out.
come through在线翻译
e.g. The father of the baby was waiting for his divorce to come through...
e.g. The news came through at about five o'clock on election day.
4. 实现(承诺);成功地完成;成功提供
If you come through with what is expected or needed from you, you succeed in doing or providing it.
come through
e.g. He puts his administration at risk if he doesn't come through on these promises for reform...
e.g. We found that we were totally helpless, and our women came through for us.